Case Studies

ECC Roofing & Siding Case Studies: A Shingle Repair Becomes a New Customer Referral

March 3, 2017


Barbara owns a lovely home in Cape May and contacted our company after she discovered some shingles had blown off her roof. Jim, the owner of ECC went out to her home to assess the damage and let her know the repair was a quick and easy fix. Soon after the repair was completed and Barbara was very impressed with our company's ability to efficiently solve her issue in a timely fashion. About a week after the repair Barbara called into our company again to inquire about getting the roof on her shed replaced as well.


After signing a contract our crew successfully replaced the shed roof. Barbara was estatic about the way the main house and shed roof complimented each other. While our company was out at Barbara's finishing up the job Barbara let us know her neighbor Bob stopped by to inquire about receiving a free estimate as well. Happy to help a neighbor we had one of our project managers available to come out to Bob's home and give a free no obligation estimate that same day! After seeing the work we provide Bob signed a contract and received a brand new roof as well. Because Barbara let us know about her neighbor we gave Barbara a discount on the total cost of her shed roof as well as a check for $100.00 just for referring a friend!